The United States Green Card Lottery, also known as the Diversity Visa Program, offers citizens of eligible countries the opportunity to apply for permanent residency in the United States. Despite the slim chances of winning, many consider it a dream come true. For one Kenyan man, whose name has not been disclosed, it was a dream that took 13 years to come true.
Since 2008, the man had applied for the Green Card Lottery every year but had been denied each time. Despite the odds, he did not give up and continued to apply year after year. His persistence and perseverance finally paid off in 2021 when he won the lottery.
The man’s story serves as an inspiration to all those who aspire to start a new life in the United States. It shows that with determination, hard work, and a positive attitude, anyone can achieve their dreams, no matter how long it takes. He shared his story with the media and advised Kenyans to never give up and to keep trying every year. He emphasized that patience and perseverance are key to success, and that even after multiple rejections, one should not lose hope.
For those who aspire to win the Green Card Lottery, there are a few things to keep in mind. Firstly, only citizens of eligible countries can apply, and the list changes every year. Secondly, the application process is free, and one should only apply through the official website of the United States Department of State. Lastly, the application should be filled out accurately and completely, as incomplete or inaccurate applications can lead to disqualification.
The Green Card Lottery is a highly competitive program, with only 55,000 Diversity Visas available each year and millions of people from around the world applying for them. The Kenyan man’s success after 13 years of trying should serve as an inspiration to all those who aspire to start a new life in the United States. His advice to never give up and to keep trying every year is not only relevant to the Green Card Lottery but also to life in general. Success may take time, but with patience and hard work, it is possible.