
“Wananionea”: Yesu Wa Tongaren Tells police not to arrest him over his Teachings

The spiritual leader of the New Jerusalem group in Bungoma, known as ‘Jesus of Tongaren’ or ‘Yesu wa Tongaren,’ has been called in for questioning by the Bungoma Police Commander Mr. Francis Kooli. In response, the leader has requested that the police not detain him as he believes that his only activity is preaching the genuine gospel. He stated that he has not committed any crime, and any detention would be unjust. The police commander claimed that the invitation was issued in the public interest to determine whether the teaching methods of the group were legal and to safeguard the general populace from harm.

Efforts to regulate Kenya’s diverse range of churches and ministries have failed in the past, despite incidents involving cults and rogue pastors involved in criminal activities. Recently, President William Ruto has vowed to crack down on religious leaders who propagate false teachings following the Shakahola massacre, where over 100 bodies were exhumed. Ruto has announced the formation of a framework in collaboration with spiritual leaders to weed out unscrupulous pastors. He plans to create a task force to provide self-regulation for churches and spiritual leaders to point out those who abuse religion for other purposes.

In addition, Ruto plans to form a Judicial Commission of Inquiry to investigate the Shakahola massacre. The president announced that he will transfer all commissioners based in Kilifi County, where the massacre took place, and replace them with colleagues from elsewhere to show the public that their actions are for the good of the country and justice. Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki has already reshuffled police bosses in Kilifi County to pave the way for investigations into the deadly cult.

As of Sunday, April 30, the death toll from the Shakahola massacre stands at 110, and 32 people were rescued from the forest. The new measures being taken by the government aim to prevent such incidents from happening in the future by regulating religious organizations and preventing the propagation of false teachings.