
Wahome Thuku Claims UDA Is Paying Bloggers 50 Bob Per Post Made Against Kieleweke.

Popular social media commentator and political analyst, Wahome Thuku has sensationaly made allegations that the UDA party is paying Tangatanga bloggers Ksh 50 on every post aimed at the Kieleweke faction.

Thuku revealed that the bloggers had been hosted by UDA’s top strategists in Karen where the plan was orchestrated and strict rules set for the bloggers.

Last week over 100 TangaTanga bloggers were hosted in Karen for a strategy workshop. Some tell me they were slightly over 100 and others say they were more.Well, not exactly bloggers. They were a top cream bloggers who carried their girlfriends to the venue,

Thuku said.

He went on to add that most of the vocal Tangatanga bloggers were unaware of the meeting and were shocked to see their juniors posting about the same.

“Actually many of those who spend their time making noise here only learned of the meeting when they saw their colleagues posting selfies from Karen.The issue has now caused a rift as wide as Rift Valley. The allowance for the meeting was 3k and food.”

“And a whole lot of those who attended even missed the money and the food. It’s now the debate in their groups (will get screenshots).The other issue that has raised a debate was the undertaking that they would be paid 50 bobs per post they make. And the many will not be channeled through the principal blogger,” he stated.

“They said openly they don’t trust him with cash.And they were classified according to how they would execute their attack job online. They are now calling the 50 bob “skiza tune” named after the payments made to musicians,” Wahome divulged.