
“Unaringa na mtoi ni wa Willy Paul?”, Carol Sonnie mocks Mulamwah

Social media influencer Carol Sonnie stands by her decision to end her relationship with her former partner, Mulamwah, and expresses no remorse despite Mulamwah moving on with a new girlfriend.

Carol Sonnie blames Mulamwah for disrespecting her, asserting that he sought unnecessary attention from her and emphasizes that another man is now taking care of their child. She specifically identifies musician Willy Paul as the father of her baby, instructing Mulamwah to refrain from commenting on their situation.

In a pointed statement, she questions Mulamwah’s entitlement: “Mtu hujawahi tupea hata bob tangu tukuache na unataka kutupimia hewa. Unaringa na mtoto ni wa Willy Paul?” (Translation: “You’ve never even contributed financially since we broke up, and now you want to act important. Are you boasting when the child belongs to Willy Paul?”)

The exact nature of Willy Paul’s relationship to the child remains unclear, as Carol Sonnie avoids providing further details on the matter.

The public breakup between Mulamwah and Carol Sonnie occurred in 2021, with the comedian alleging that Carol had cheated on him with another man, divulging the details on social media. Since then, Mulamwah has moved on and is currently in a relationship with his close friend Ruth K, who is also expecting a child.