
‘Threads haina filters? Post picha tukuone tukutambue’ – Eric Omondi to KRG

Kenyan comedian Eric Omondi recently criticized dancehall star KRG The Don for allegedly always using filters in his photos. In an interview with SPM Buzz, Omondi challenged KRG to post a photo without filters, particularly since the new Meta app called Threads does not have any filters. Omondi playfully stated, “KRG should come forward and let us see him without filters. Threads don’t have filters, so KRG should post a photo for us to see and recognize him.”

2mbili, who was also part of the joint interview, responded playfully to Omondi’s comment, saying, “He will edit the photo first before posting it to the Threads app.”

Omondi believes that despite the popularity of the new Meta app Threads, it lacks certain crucial features that he deems necessary for its success. While the app offers a fresh user experience and unique features, Omondi feels that it is missing some essential elements.

One such element is the absence of direct messages (DMs), which Omondi believes are crucial for content creators and fans to communicate and receive feedback from each other.

Additionally, celebrities and fans have noticed that the app lacks features such as filters, hashtags, sponsored ads on timelines, and media downloading. Some users may view the absence of filters as a limitation, as they are accustomed to having such options available.

Despite these perceived shortcomings, Threads has already gained significant traction and captured the attention of millions of users since its launch. As more people become familiar with the app, there is great potential for its growth and improvement. It will be interesting to see how the app evolves and addresses user feedback, including suggestions for additional features like filters.

Since its launch, Zuckerberg’s latest invention, Threads, has amassed over 24 million users.