
Pastor Ngang’a blasts GOAT wives over side chicks taking their Men

A video has surfaced on TikTok featuring Pastor Ng’ang’a reprimanding first wives for engaging in fights with their husband’s mistresses. The clip was shared by user Fantôme noir and shows the pastor addressing his congregation and condemning the actions of first wives who blame side chicks for wrecking their marriages.

Pastor Ng’ang’a advises that instead of picking fights with the mistresses, first wives should confront their husbands, who are the root of the problem in the relationship. He questions why first wives lay blame on side chicks and advises them to address the issue with their husbands instead. The pastor also notes that husbands are not angels and often engage in extramarital affairs.

He calls out first wives for their twisted way of thinking, saying that blaming side chicks for their husbands’ infidelity is not the solution. He also suggests that instead of fighting with the mistresses, first wives should focus on helping their husbands out of the mess they have created.

The pastor expresses his frustration with the state of relationships and suggests that it is time for a change. He advises that first wives should stop playing the victim and work together with their husbands to fix their problems. He also notes that there are more mistresses than boyfriends, and this should be a wake-up call for women to be more understanding and supportive of their partners.

The video ends after almost three minutes, and the congregation is seen silently observing the pastor’s speech. In summary, Pastor Ng’ang’a advises that instead of fighting with mistresses, first wives should address the issue with their husbands and work towards fixing their relationships.