
“Nyinyi Pigeni Kelele Kabisaa” ‘My Nyash Has Made Me Rich’ Tiktoker Kinuthia

Cross-dresser and content creator Kelvin Kinuthia recently expressed pride in his “Nyash,” affirming that it has been a significant contributor to his financial success. During an interview on Mpasho’s quickfire segment, when asked about his favorite part of his body, Kinuthia confidently stated, “I think I love my Nyash more since it has made a name for me and also generated income.”

Kinuthia, known for his flamboyant style featuring elaborate makeup, long nails, wigs, and high heels, utilizes Instagram to showcase the female clothing he adorns. He emphasized his commitment to cross-dressing, explaining, “The most asked question on social media is about my sexuality. The reason I wear dresses and apply makeup is that I don’t want to lose this character. It is what people know me for.”

He has been open about his family’s understanding of his social media presence, describing it as a business venture. “Most of the clothes I wear, I am just marketing,” Kinuthia explained in an interview with Massawe Japanni. On his social media platforms, he proudly displays both the Kenyan flag and the LGBTQ flag, emphasizing his support for the community.

Regarding inquiries about his sexuality, Kinuthia noted, “It is not an issue, but I am not comfortable speaking about my sexuality yet. I am not under pressure, and I am comfortable.” He addressed the challenges of public perception, stating, “There is this one thing when you are constantly seen doing videos with a particular person, people say you are in a relationship with them.” Despite such comments, Kinuthia remains unfazed, choosing to focus on his positive interactions and blocking out negativity on his social media channels.