
MUWASCO On Spot After High Water Bills With Dry Taps.

The Murang’a Water and Sanitation Company has yet again been put on spot after residents complained of high water bills and no water in their homes.

Angry residents who had earlier staged a demo at the company offices said that they have been subjected to extortion by the water provider adding that the company has increased water bills without consulting the consumers.

“We have been paying over Ksh 3,000 per month and there is no water in our taps. This guys never fail to read the meters but when it comes to providing water to uus, they suck terribly at that,” John Mwangi, a resident said.

“The only time that there is water in our taps is on Monday andd Thursday for just a few hours. We want to know why they are charging us that much and they don’t provide the necessity,” he added.

According to the residents, MUWASCO has been adding the water bills at their pressure every month. They said that this started after the war involving the company’s top management and the introduction of Forthall Drinking water company which is associated with a top government official.

Out attempts to get a response from the company bore no fruits.