Kameme FM presenter cum pastor, Muthee Kiengei has introduced a sh 300 online church membership fee.
In one of his sermons, he said that each member will have a unique card for proper identification.
Kiengei said that already, 6,000 cards were in circulation and an additional 5,000 more will be available soon.
With him boasting a coal 216k YouTube subscribers with around 838 videos, Kiengei will be smiling to the bank.
Let’s say he has already sold 5k cards, he would ultimately earn Sh 1.5 million.
In one year, Kiengei could potentially amass over Sh 18 million in membership fee from his online congregants.
Average, he garners a total of 24,320 views from his YouTube videos.
So, if each viewer were to dish out the Sh 300 fee, Kiengei would potentially earn Sh 7.2 million per month.