
Kenyan Writes to Kenya Film Classification Board Asking them to take Measures Against Pastor Kanyari

A Kenyan man identified as Elvis Oniango has reached out to the Kenya Film Classification Board (KFCB) urging them to take appropriate measures against pastor Victor Kanyari.

Elvis who has also written to the ministry of interior is seeking for investigation into online content by the controversial pastor.

According to the contents of the letter, Pastor Kanyari’s activities on TikTok involve inappropriate behavior posing a risk to young viewers.

The letter explains that the pastor has also received vulgar gifts during church service and his content should therefore be investigated and regulated.

Elvis says he has taken upon himself to address the issue as a concerned citizen in an attempt to safeguard the moral welfare of the community.

Pastor Kanyari has been trending for the best part of the week.

On Sunday, TikToker named Faith M Peters left many in shock after she went to Pastor Kanyari’s church and presented him with three gifts, one of which was a packet of condoms.

The businesswoman handed Kanyari a small package wrapped in newspaper. Upon opening it, Kanyari, who was standing at the altar, revealed the three items: a kotex liner, Arimis petroleum jelly, and a packet of condoms.

Faith then confessed that she had dreamt of having a grand wedding with Kanyari. The bold woman noted that she knew many women were interested in Kanyari’s love and advised him to use protection.

Recently, he also went live on TikTok with Chokuu mapenzi and prayed for him in attempt to change his sexuality.

Kenyans on social media have expressed mixed reactions with many calling pastor Kanyari out for his behavior.