
Kalenjin man cries out after his girlfriend milked him dry and dumped him for another man

In an unfortunate twist of fate, Boyon Cheruiyot, a resident of Kericho belonging to the Kalenjin community, has found himself entangled in a distressing saga of a love affair turned bitter.

Boldly narrating his experience on social media, Cheruiyot recounts the tale of being both financially exploited and emotionally shattered by his former girlfriend, Ivyne Chepngenoh.

Similar to many individuals ensnared by the complexities of love, Cheruiyot invested his emotions and financial resources in his relationship with Ivyne, aspiring to earn her affection and admiration.

Regrettably, his endeavors were met with betrayal and heartbreak as Ivyne heartlessly abandoned him for another man, leaving him in shock from the unexpected betrayal.

According to Cheruiyot’s narrative, Ivyne disappeared into the night, leaving behind a trail of unfulfilled promises and depleted finances.

Reportedly, she absconded with a substantial sum of Sh 500,000, leaving Cheruiyot financially drained and emotionally devastated. Adding insult to injury, Ivyne’s new partner allegedly committed to lavish gifts and promises of a brighter future, even planning to open a Wines and Spirits shop for her. This turn of events has not only left Cheruiyot feeling betrayed but also concerned for his safety, as he claims the man who stole his girlfriend is notorious for his cunning and deceitful nature.

Boyon Cheruiyot’s full account can be read on his Facebook page:

“Ladies and gentlemen, let me share what is truly in my heart. This lady has profoundly impacted my life. It’s now a matter of life and death. The lady was taken from me by someone I know, COLLO THE DON. At this point, all I can do is within myself and with the help of God. After dedicating my entire life and depleting all my finances, I am left with nothing for now. God is aware of everything. It’s a critical situation. IVYNE CHEPNGENOH (Ariel Samkerre) from KAPKINARA village, CHORWET sub-location, MOGOGOSIEK ward – you disrupted my life ambitions just like that. You may think you won, but you didn’t. After milking me dry, you decided to pursue better prospects. Despite your apologies to win me back, you chose to reveal your true intentions. You’re someone I cannot even mention. You depleted my last funds, disappeared with some of my belongings, and now I question my health status. Nevertheless, there will be consequences. My life might be in danger now because the man who took the lady is known for his mischievous behavior. Keep posting on TikTok; the world is watching. I am now fearless, and your threats won’t deter me.
👎No apologies this time, as I was forced to apologize by the guy last time.