
I’m In Love With Willam Ruto’s Son George Kimutai Ruto, Doris Dove Comedian Reveals

Doris Dove, a Kenyan comedian, has made a bold move by confessing her love for George Kimutai Ruto, the youngest son of Kenya’s President William Ruto. Despite it being rare for women to make romantic advances towards men, Dove has taken to social media to express her undying love for George and has asked for help from Kenyans to get his attention.

Dove’s social media post expresses her deep infatuation with George and her inability to stop thinking about him. She has even reached a point where she cannot eat. George, who is currently studying to be a pilot after completing his undergraduate degree in Computer Science from Strathmore University, bears a striking resemblance to his father.

Dove’s confession has sparked interest among Kenyans, who are eagerly waiting to see if George will respond to her advances.