Renowned actor Patrick Oketch, best known for his role as Charlie in the popular television series “Mother in Law” on Citizen TV, recently shared the reasons for his departure from the show and his experience playing an alcoholic character.
In an interview with Lynne Ngugi, Patrick revealed that after dedicating 12 years to “Mother in Law,” where he also contributed as a scriptwriter, he decided to leave due to feeling undervalued. Despite his efforts to enhance the show’s quality, he felt that his contributions were neither adequately acknowledged nor reflected in his compensation.
Patrick, along with Selina, known as Kate Actress, were once the standout stars of “Mother in Law.” Their exceptional talent significantly contributed to the show’s success, with Patrick particularly known for his portrayal of a drunkard uncle.
Interestingly, despite his convincing performance as an alcoholic, Patrick has never consumed alcohol or used drugs in his real life. He attributes his convincing portrayal to his acting skills, although some people mistakenly perceive him as an alcoholic off-screen. In reality, he is a responsible family man, dedicated to his family’s well-being and consistently providing them with strong support.