Franklin Gogo, better known as Emcee Gogo, is a remarkably talented voice-over artist who mesmerizes audiences with his deep, resonant voice. Despite his slender frame, his commanding voice is the driving force behind the excitement he generates.
Emcee Gogo began his career as an emcee five years ago, starting in the church before gaining recognition on TikTok, where he quickly became a sensation. Today, he is a popular figure in clubs across Kenya, with enthusiastic nightclub-goers becoming ardent fans of this young hype man, who is still under 25. His skill lies in blending humor with hard truths, entertaining and engaging crowds simultaneously.
Often seen standing next to an energetic DJ, Emcee Gogo immerses himself in the atmosphere and captivates the audience with his words alone. He has made a mark with his famous catchphrase, “ooh wayasaay,” and his witty song remixes that cleverly relate to everyday life. One particular voice-over, the sugar-cane remix, has gained widespread popularity, amassing an impressive 2 million views on Instagram.
Despite his immersion in the nightlife scene, Emcee Gogo remains a devout Christian. In an interview with Radio Maisha, he expressed his commitment to attending church every Sunday morning, despite hosting shows in clubs every Saturday night. When asked about alcohol, he humorously admits to preferring “sweet things” over bitter beverages, failing to understand the appeal of alcohol that others enjoy. This perspective is unique for an emcee with his level of exposure to the nightlife, but it reflects his grounded nature as a psychology student.
Emcee Gogo is among many young individuals who have found fame through TikTok, leveraging his connections with famous DJs to launch his career. One of his pioneering shows, “Wanyamwez Experience with DJ Munge,” gained significant traction and set the stage for his remarkable journey to success.