
I’m Australian, New Z working in Kenya, I have not found love yet. I want 2 give all ladies a chance

As an Australian/New Zealander working in Kenya, you may have found yourself far away from home and perhaps feeling a bit lonely. You may have been looking for love but haven’t had much luck so far. But despite this, you have made the decision to keep an open mind and give all ladies a chance.

This is a great attitude to have, and it shows that you are willing to look beyond surface-level differences and get to know someone for who they truly are. It can be easy to fall into the trap of only seeking out people who are similar to us, but by opening yourself up to a wider range of possibilities, you may just find the person you’ve been searching for.

In a place like Kenya, where there may be cultural differences and language barriers to navigate, it’s important to approach dating with an open mind and a willingness to learn. By taking the time to understand someone else’s perspective and experiences, you can build a stronger connection and create a more meaningful relationship.

Of course, finding love isn’t always easy, and there may be some disappointments along the way. But by staying positive and optimistic, you increase your chances of meeting someone special. And who knows, you may just end up falling for someone you never expected to.

In conclusion, as an Australian/New Zealander working in Kenya, it’s great that you are open to giving all ladies a chance. By keeping an open mind and approaching dating with a positive attitude, you increase your chances of finding love and building a meaningful relationship. Good luck on your journey, and remember to enjoy the ride!