Fake that smile” - Loise Kim Tells Kenyans To Keep Pretending They Are Okay And Push On.
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“Fake that smile” – Loise Kim Tells Kenyans To Keep Pretending They Are Okay And Push On.

Celebrated gospel musician, Loise Kim has shared a comforting post to those facing hard times.

Kim in her fleet of motivation posts on her timeline said that individuals should fake the smile and pretend to be okay seeing that God is in control.

“Sometimes all you can do is smile. Move on with your day and hold back the tears and pretend you are okay. Keep on smiling dear, life will get tired of upsetting you. God is watching,” She said.

Kim has been posting encouraging words to her fans in a bid to motivate them to keep on pushing despite the hard economic hardships brought by the Covid-19 pandemic.

In other news, Karen Nyamu has turned to God after her nasty drama with musician Samidoh.

Taking to social media, Nyamu posted a biblical verse saying that she is happy with her life in Jesus.

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