
“Kazi ni kazi”Meet Young Kenyan Charles Karanja Making Millions From Decorating Graves

Charles Karanja emerges as an exceptional young Kenyan adept at maneuvering through challenging economic conditions. In the face of elevated unemployment rates, Karanja chose an unconventional path by venturing into the distinctive profession of enhancing and painting graveyards—a venture that has proven to be remarkably profitable.

In a recent interview with local media, Karanja highlighted the uniqueness of his services within the field, showcasing a considerable financial success. He revealed that his annual income averages around 3 million Kenyan shillings.

Despite having pursued an undergraduate degree related to construction, Karanja encountered difficulties securing employment in that particular industry. After an extended and unproductive job search, the entrepreneur, based in Kiambu, decided to explore the niche market of graveyard embellishment. His intuition proved accurate, and this rapidly expanding venture not only launched successfully but also led to the employment of seven individuals.

Reflecting on his academic background, Karanja emphasized the instrumental role of his construction studies in establishing his workshop. This workshop has since become a focal point where clients can approach him with innovative ideas, such as the creation of gravestones resembling houses.