
“I was chased from Church for Marrying a 53yr old Woman” – Guardian Angel

Gospel artist Guardian Angel recently shared his personal experience of facing unfair treatment within a church community due to his decision to marry an older woman. The musician disclosed this during the launch of his new record label, “7 Heaven Music,” revealing that the mistreatment he encountered led him to temporarily discontinue attending church.

Recalling the incident, Guardian Angel recounted his visit to a church where he was met with hostility. Initially informed by the pastor that the elders had instructed him not to sing or set foot on the altar, a heated debate ensued, resulting in a reluctant permission for him to sing after 30 minutes. However, the singer faced further challenges when the pastor, displeased with his performance, attempted to seize the microphone, only to be restrained by his wife.

The aftermath of this negative encounter left a lasting impact on Guardian Angel’s perception of the church. Expressing his disillusionment, he mentioned, “When I finished, the pastor took the microphone and never acknowledged that I had just sung. That made me hate the church.” Subsequently, the artist decided to distance himself from the church environment, vowing never to return.

Contemplating his decision, Guardian Angel questioned whether his marriage to an older woman had rendered him undeserving of singing for God in a church setting. This internal struggle led him to declare that he would no longer step into any church, opting to pray privately in his bedroom. Despite his resolution, his wife continued attending her church.

The turning point in Guardian Angel’s journey occurred when he encountered Pastor Ababu, who eventually became his spiritual mentor. Recounting the transformative encounter, the artist shared how Pastor Ababu’s genuine excitement upon meeting him contrasted with the negative experience he had faced before. Reflecting on the incident that led to his expulsion from the church, Guardian Angel realized that the pastor who mistreated him was grappling with personal struggles, as evidenced by impregnating someone outside of marriage. This revelation prompted the artist to recognize that his decision to avoid church was influenced by someone dealing with their own challenges, rather than being a reflection of his own worthiness. Ultimately, Pastor Ababu’s support helped Guardian Angel navigate through this difficult period and restore his faith in the church community.