
ex Adult Content Creator Georgina Njenga Goes Off On Her Fans!

Georgina Njenga rebuked her followers after extending an invitation to admirers to inquire about her dating status through Instagram Stories. Expressing her frustration, Njenga urged her supporters to cease fixating on her romantic life, firmly asserting her single status.

Dismissing the rumors, she emphatically stated, “No, and please put an end to this foolishness. My life is not solely focused on relationships.” In an effort to dispel misconceptions, Njenga highlighted that not everyone who showcases their physique on social media is involved in a romantic entanglement.

She further clarified that her interactions with individuals on social media should not be misconstrued as romantic pursuits. “I’m not even getting approached by everyone you see me with. I’m not actively seeking a relationship at this point, and I’m still only 22 years old,” she added.