
Boy Resumes To Class With A Cock As School Fees After Being Sent Home By The School’s Admin.

With lost jobs and economic hardships experienced in the country, Kenyans have been left talking after a Form Two student of Holy Trinity High School School in Sabot was forced to present a cock as school fee after he was sent home by the administration over a debt of Ksh 34,000.

The student identified as Mathew Simiyu is said to have been sent home to bring anything that could help in clearing the fee balance he has accumulated.

In an interview with a local daily, the boy said, “After delivering the coockerel, I am now left with Ksh 33,000 as fee balance.”

“I currently rely on my fellow students for their used uniforms but am focused to achieve my goals so as to help my parents.”

His teachers have said that the boy is bright but the pilling fee balance is letting him down.

“This is a bright student who is indeed needy. He could not afford even the requirements for his admission,” Amos Elima, his teacher said.