
Baby girl formula: Eric Omondi’s advice to Mungai Eve & Trevor on conception

Comedian Eric Omondi recently had a humorous encounter with the content creator couple, Mungai and Trevor. In an Instagram video shared on July 23, Eric offered some funny advice on how couples can conceive a baby girl.

The interaction began with a heartwarming moment when Trevor caught a flower, symbolizing that they were next in line to have a baby. When asked about their preferences, Trevor expressed his desire for a girl, while Eve Mungai wished for twins – a boy and a girl.

Eric Omondi, in his characteristic witty manner, jokingly advised, “If you want to have a daughter, don’t just have sex, make love… I’m speaking as if someone has a girl, make love, and you will have a girl.”

Both Eve and Trevor took the joke in good spirits and embraced Eric Omondi’s humorous advice, playfully affirming that they would follow it since they were next in line to have a baby.

Eric Omondi’s humor didn’t stop there. He teased people like Butita, suggesting that they don’t have kids because they live in Nairobi. Eric humorously suggested they should consider going to Mombasa to conceive.

During the interaction, the atmosphere remained light and enjoyable, with everyone having a good time.

Butita joined in on the fun, responding to Omondi’s remarks by saying that to get a girl like Omondi, all one had to do was participate in ongoing demonstrations. His clever comeback added to the comedic banter between the friends, creating a fun and entertaining exchange.

On July 22, Eric Omondi and his partner Lynne made headlines with their unique gender reveal. They went to a scenic waterfall in Thika, where they orchestrated a breathtaking announcement of their baby’s gender. As the water from the waterfall cascaded down, it magically turned a beautiful shade of pink, revealing that the couple is expecting a baby girl.

The creative and enchanting gender reveal captured the hearts of many, showcasing Eric Omondi’s talent for bringing joy and excitement to special moments.