
Yesu wa Tongaren says angel visited wife Benjamin, handed her eggs and tomatoes

Yesu wa Tongaren has gained significant attention from the public for claiming to be the authentic Jesus Christ. According to him, he is the true son of God who has been revered for over two thousand years. He recently appeared in a video posted on TikTok by Possibilities in God, where he claimed that his wife, Prophetess Benjamin, saw an angel who anointed her as a prophetess and descended from a cloud. The self-declared son of God claimed that the angel gave his wife tomatoes and eggs as a representation of the anointing and the Holy Spirit.

Regarding his crucifixion, Yesu Wa Tongaren stated that he would not die for the sins of humanity for the second time. As Easter approached, many Kenyans wondered if he would be crucified like Jesus. However, Wekesa clarified that he had come back to complete the work he started over 2000 years ago and not to die for their sins again. He warned those planning evil against him, stating that they would be destroyed as they had dark hearts from Babylon, and his father wanted to destroy them.

In conclusion, Yesu wa Tongaren’s claims have stirred controversy, and while some people believe him to be the true son of God, others remain skeptical. His declarations have generated considerable interest, and his videos continue to be widely shared on social media.