Drama unraveled in Mugirango South, Kisii County, at a prayer venue in St. Peter and Paul Parish Etago. This was when some youths were turned away simply for what would be termed indecent dressing. The clerics at this church had a contrary opinion despite Biblical calling to “come as you are” in Romans 10:9-10 for salvation.
The novices on Thursday denied access to the church meeting by cleric Benjamin Ndemo like the women said, as their outfit did not conform to church principles. This was an event for the youth, whose aim was to facilitate teachings from the Bible regarding a righteous life. “It is not right to dress indecently. There is a certain way that both men and women are supposed to conduct themselves, and that includes the manner in which they dress,” Ndemo stated.
It has invoked a dialogue on the question of how far religious traditions should go to accommodate people. Some people supported the cleric because he was said to be maintaining decorum in the house of God, while others thought that it was contradictory to the much-loved universal message of salvation.
This will put the incident back on track in terms of discussion as constitutes the current thinking on dress codes and their relevance in the religious establishment. The possible reflection of the community on it will include the tension that the cleric has created in the name of upholding tradition as against inclusion