Renowned Kenyan Gengetone rapper Sylvia Ssaru recently decided to share insights into her relationship status, divulging details about her dowry and shedding light on why many men hesitate to approach her.
During an interview with Mungai Eve, Ssaru disclosed that her current dowry stands at an impressive Ksh.1.5 Billion, marking an increase from the previous Ksh.1 Billion. She attributed this valuation to her escalating prominence in Kenya, emphasizing that she is becoming a significant figure in the country.
Ssaru clarified that the substantial dowry is indicative of the blessing a man would receive by marrying her. Describing herself as a comprehensive package, she highlighted that she brings financial independence, beauty, and a dynamic personality adept at intimate matters to the table.
Expressing her standards, Ssaru asserted that she has no room for a financially challenged partner. Given her current status and lifestyle, she emphasized the impracticality of being an accommodating girlfriend to a broke man. Ssaru articulated her preference for a wealthy suitor who can afford to provide for her and treat her well.
In a candid revelation on camera, Ssaru addressed the common apprehension among men when it comes to approaching her. She acknowledged that her bold lyrical style and outward demeanor might lead men to perceive her as arrogant and a “bad girl,” making it challenging for her to find a suitable partner. Dismissing these misconceptions, she affirmed her real-life persona as a good-hearted individual. Ssaru encouraged men to overcome their fear, take a chance, and express their interest, assuring them that she is open to possibilities, provided the suitor is affluent.