
Mtetezi wa wanyonge- Eric Omondi Arrested Again at City Stadium Where He Was to Hand Out Free Unga

Comedian Eric Omondi was arrested upon his arrival at City Stadium where he had planned to distribute free Unga. Omondi had previously announced his intention to collect packets of Unga from well-wishers and distribute them to the hungry and those adversely affected by the high cost of living. He had also called upon the public to join him in a march from Uhuru Park to State House on March 7th, where they would present their CVs, rent arrears, school fee arrears, basic goods shopping lists, and electricity bills. On Wednesday, they would meet at City Stadium from 11 am to 2 pm to share Unga with those who wished to join them on their march.

While being arrested, Omondi stated that many Kenyans are facing economic difficulties. He was taken to the Industrial Area police station.

Last week, Omondi led a group of shirtless young men in a demonstration outside Parliament buildings in Nairobi, demanding that the government lower the cost of living. The police ordered the demonstrators to disperse, but they refused, leading to the use of tear gas.

The group was carrying placards with slogans such as “high cost of living,” “high cost of electricity,” and “stima juu, taxi juu.”

Omondi spent the night at the central police station and appeared in court the following day. The group pleaded not guilty to causing a public nuisance and participating in an unlawful assembly.

The court granted the protesters a KES 20,000 bond or a KES 10,000 alternative bail each. The case will be mentioned on March 6 for pre-trial.