
Spicy Photos Of Dennis Litali, Man Arrested In Chiloba’s Murder That Got Women Salivating

TikToker Dennis Litali, also known as Junior Litali, is one of the key suspects in the heinous killing of Edwin Chiloba.

Dennis Litali found himself in hot water following the unfortunate incident, as one of the suspects. Chiloba, a supermodel and LGBTQ activist, was brutally murdered, his body packed in a metallic box and dumped by the side of the Kipenyo-Katinga Road in Uasin Gishu County.

Junior Litali as he’s famously known, has defended himself, claiming that he knows none of the people involved in the murder.

The bodybuilder champ is a superstar in his own right, with a massive audience on social media.

Mr Litali further informed the judge that the additional four individuals in the room were complete strangers to him.

“All these people being held with me as suspects are strangers that I have never met. Detaining me for three weeks will subject my young family to a lot of suffering and anguish,” Litali says.

Litali, who was Mr Uasin Gishu in 2017 and East African Bodybuilding 2022 runner-up, informed senior magistrate Richard Odenyo, that his detention was a police wrap cover-up.

Mr Litali, who appeared collected during the court hearing, begged the officer involved to accelerate the murder investigation so that Kenyans may find out the truth on what happened and the culprits that executed the tragedy.

Even as a suspect, many Kenyan women continue to salivate over his photos, via his Instagram account, @juniorlitali.

Check out these bulked up photos of Litali.