
Reason Khaligraph Jones and Bahati Are More Successful than Willy Paul.

Entertainment critic Sabato, also known as ‘Sauti kwa Ground’, recently shared insights into why Khaligraph Jones and Bahati have achieved greater success in both their musical careers and personal lives compared to Willy Paul, despite all three being widely recognized celebrities.

In an interview with Plug Tv, Sabato emphasized that the key factor behind the success of Bahati and Khaligraph Jones lies in their solid management teams, which they have consistently retained.

Sabato elaborated on Bahati’s journey, citing the pivotal role played by Kioko, a member of Bahati’s management team, in his rise to success. Starting from humble beginnings in Mathare, Bahati now boasts ownership of a lavish mansion and a collection of high-end vehicles, including a Toyota Prado and two Mercedes Benz cars. Additionally, his wife, Diana Marua, has also flourished professionally, securing lucrative brand ambassadorial roles. This power couple’s success, Sabato notes, is attributed to their effective management, which has skillfully crafted their image and facilitated profitable endorsements.

Similarly, Khaligraph Jones has thrived under the guidance of his long-standing manager, Francis, since their partnership began in 2008 during Khaligraph’s early days in Kayole. Through the adept management provided by Blue Ink, led by Francis, the rapper has enjoyed considerable financial gains from his music career and collaborations with prestigious brands, such as Monster Energy. Khaligraph’s personal life reflects his success, as evidenced by his marriage, fatherhood of three children, ownership of luxury vehicles like the Lexus LX 570 valued at Ksh. 18 million, and ongoing construction of an opulent mansion in the affluent Karen neighborhood. Furthermore, Khaligraph operates a studio in Kilimani, a prestigious locality known for its upscale properties.

Conversely, Willy Paul’s career trajectory took a downturn following the dismissal of his manager. Subsequent involvement in scandals stemming from poor decision-making led to a decline in his public image and a dearth of brand endorsements. Sabato acknowledges Willy Paul’s talent but attributes his lack of success to inadequate management, resulting in the loss of brand deals and the departure of his dance team due to mismanagement. Despite owning two Mercedes Benz cars, Sabato asserts that Willy Paul’s current status falls short of what his talent warrants.

Sabato underscores the importance of artist-manager relationships, cautioning against the repercussions of severing ties with effective management. He predicts a similar decline for Otile Brown, who recently parted ways with his manager, Noriega, despite the latter’s instrumental role in shaping his career. Sabato foresees Otile Brown’s diminishing relevance in the Kenyan music industry within two years if he fails to address his management issues.