
Prince Mwiti On Trisha Khalid: Haezi Kua makanga, Eti Alikuwa Anasema Bebaa Bebaa

Kenyan TikTok personality Prince Mwiti has criticized well-known actress and influencer Trisha Khalid after she confessed to once working as a bus conductor. Mwiti took to his TikTok platform to express his disbelief, asserting that he doesn’t see the actress as suitable for such a role.

Mwiti suggested that Trisha’s affluent background, which he perceives as that of a “Richkid,” contradicts her claim of having been a conductor. He argued that given Trisha’s status as a public figure, the job of a conductor doesn’t align with her image.

In his TikTok video, Mwiti questioned the authenticity of Trisha’s revelation, labeling it as falsehoods without providing substantial evidence to support his disbelief. He also found humor in the idea of Trisha working as a conductor and calling out for passengers to board a vehicle for transportation.

Trisha Khalid’s revelation about her past occupation as a bus conductor came to light during an online interview. She shared that prior to her acting career, she worked as a car hire agent in Mombasa before transitioning into the role of a bus conductor for Modern Coast buses traveling between Mombasa and Nairobi. Trisha disclosed that she earned a monthly salary of 15,000 Kenyan Shillings during her time in that position.