
“Nitakuzalia  Mtoto Ukinipea Chance” Famous Comedian Confesses Her Love For Mulamwah.

In the midst of the controversies surrounding Mulamwah and the relentless social media attacks from bullies after exposing the less savory aspects of Carol, a renowned female comedian has expressed her interest in him.

Doris Dove, a highly entertaining Kalenjin comedian boasting a substantial following of over 50,000 on her Facebook page, has taken a bold step by publicly declaring her affection for Mulamwah.

Doris chose to share her sentiments on her official Facebook page, where she openly conveyed her willingness to bear Mulamwah’s child if he reciprocates her feelings. She emphasized that her decision stems from a genuine crush and love for Mulamwah.

This revelation coincides with a period in which Mulamwah has distanced himself from romantic pursuits, citing a challenging phase in his life. Following his breakup with Carol Sonnie, Mulamwah announced his intention to focus on financial endeavors and expressed reluctance to dive into another romantic relationship anytime soon. Given Mulamwah’s current emotional state and priorities, it might prove challenging for him to reciprocate Doris’s feelings.

Despite the complexities, Doris is an attractive and humorous individual, sharing a common comedic profession with Mulamwah. We extend our best wishes to her, acknowledging that the timing may pose obstacles given Mulamwah’s ongoing challenges.