KRG, a well-known figure, and his daughter, Yvonne, recently engaged in a series of discussions in anticipation of an upcoming DNA test. This development stems from KRG’s former partner, Susan Kinyanjui, who is seeking financial support for their daughter, Yvonne.
In an interview conducted by YouTuber Nicholas Kioko, Susan revealed that she conceived Yvonne during their time as traders at the Gikomba Market. She expressed her persistent efforts to convince KRG to undergo a DNA test to establish paternity, but he has consistently refused.
Ultimately, KRG and Yvonne met to discuss their situation while being interviewed by Nicholas Kioko. Yvonne, acknowledging the pending paternity test, expressed her readiness to accept any outcome, stating, “I am prepared for both negative and positive results. I am prepared for whatever truth may arise.”
KRG responded, “I am also prepared for anything. You know, I am doing this for her, not for myself.”
Curiosity filled the room as KRG asked Yvonne, “Do you believe I am your father now that we’ve met?”
Yvonne cautiously replied, “Kind of.”
The musician went on to share that he was born on January 10, 1991, and Yvonne’s birth occurred when he was just 11 years old. He disputed the timeline, stating, “You were told we met in 2002. However, in that year, I was in primary school. I was not an adult; I was merely 11 years old. How do you interpret that?”
Yvonne countered, “I was born in 2003. The way I see it, there seems to be a mix-up between you and Mom. You can’t claim to have been together in 2002 and have me born in 2003. If there’s something being hidden, it’s better to tell the truth so we can know.”
KRG added another piece to the puzzle, asserting that when Yvonne was born, he was in a place called Kilgoris.
“During the year of your birth, I was nowhere near Nairobi. I was attending school in Kilgoris. Specifically, I was in sixth grade, and I have friends who can vouch for the fact that we attended school together,” he explained.
With growing confusion, Yvonne questioned KRG’s agreement to undergo the DNA test, saying, “You’ve never been involved in my life before. Why did you agree now?”
KRG responded sincerely, “I agreed because I want you to find satisfaction in knowing the truth.”