
“Diana Hajui Stingo Za Mechi” Bahati Reveals The Only ‘twa twa’ Style He Gets

Bahati and Diana Marua, both celebrities, are known for their open relationship which they choose to showcase to the public. They do not hesitate to share details of their personal life on social media, which has made their relationship very public. Even their intimate moments and secrets have not been spared, as they often reveal them to their followers.

Recently, while on a family vacation in Naivasha, the couple indulged in alcohol to unwind and have fun after a busy five months of 2023. While tipsy, Diana Marua, who is known for recording videos, filmed Bahati and shared it online. In the video, Bahati was clearly drunk and spoke about their intimate life.

Bahati went on to say that Diana only knew one intimate style, which he referred to as ‘Kifo Cha Mende’ (dead cockroach), which was surprising to many of their followers. Bahati also revealed that Diana often promises to have steamy and rough intimate sessions when she’s drunk, but is unable to follow through due to her tipsy state. Bahati even had to carry her to bed.

It’s evident that the couple has shared almost all of their intimate secrets with the public. Diana Marua is known for being real and capturing everything they do, which includes exposing Bahati as well. Their openness has garnered mixed reactions from their followers, with some applauding them for their transparency, while others criticize them for oversharing their personal lives.