
“Niko na Kutu…!!”: 70 Year Old Shosh Reveal She Is Looking For Husband Before She Dies

A 70-year-old woman named Alphonsine Tawara has stirred a range of reactions on social media by expressing her desire to find a husband before she passes away.

In a candid conversation on a YouTube channel, Tawara disclosed that she has maintained her virginity and is open to entering into matrimony. She emphasized her readiness to engage in a committed relationship and become a wife before the end of her life.

Tawara shared that her prime years were dedicated to educating her siblings, often turning away potential suitors. She expressed her willingness to relocate to be with the man she loves, stating, “If I find a man, I will be married.”

Originally from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Tawara expressed her desire for a loving partner with whom she can spend the remainder of her life. Notably, she asserted her preference for an industrious and not a lazy man.

Addressing a unique aspect of her situation, Tawara regretfully mentioned that she won’t be able to have children to offer in the marriage. However, she clarified that she considers herself a mother to many due to her career as a teacher, which she pursued after completing her college studies.