
KRG the Don Wishes His Alleged Daughter a Happy Birthday Despite DNA Drama

Kenyan dancehall sensation, KRG the Don, left his fans in astonishment with an unexpected birthday wish to a supposed daughter, Yvonne Njoki. The artist conveyed his heartfelt message through his Insta Stories, exclaiming, “Wishing you a joyful birthday, Yvonne ML and MB. May blessings abundantly shower upon you.”

Back in June, a significant development unfolded as KRG and Yvonne’s mother engaged in a candid conversation with YouTuber Nicholas Kioko. Their objective was to address the lingering question of Yvonne’s paternity.

Persistently, the mother upheld her assertion that KRG was indeed the father of her daughter, emphasizing his involvement in their lives during the initial months. According to her, their paths crossed when she was a mere 13-year-old, and KRG was employed in Gikomba.

Conversely, the musician adamantly refuted any prior acquaintance with the woman before the interview. He steadfastly maintained that he had never been romantically involved with her, suggesting the possibility of a mistaken identity.

This discord escalated into a fervent dispute, each vehemently striving to substantiate their contrasting claims. The mother disclosed that she named her daughter after KRG’s mother, Njoki, despite never meeting him. She attributed this decision to KRG himself.

Undeterred, KRG vehemently asserted that his birth year in 1991 logically precluded him from being the child’s biological father, as he would have still been in primary school during the alleged period.

Subsequently, several weeks elapsed before KRG’s altruism manifested itself in a surprising manner. He resolved to fund Yvonne’s collegiate education, a benevolent gesture intended to support her aspirations as a young woman with grand ambitions. It was emphasized that this gesture did not signify a paternal relationship, but rather emanated from KRG’s genuine affection for Yvonne.

Furthermore, KRG emphasized the motivation behind his actions, underscoring that his love for Yvonne was the driving force. He advised against hastily concluding that he was her biological father, as his decision was rooted in compassion rather than paternity.

Crucially, KRG made it unequivocally clear that he had no intention of undergoing a DNA test. His reasoning was grounded in the conviction that he was not Yvonne’s father, and instead, the funds intended for such a test would be judiciously directed toward offsetting Yvonne’s educational expenses.