
Inspiring Story of Sabina Joy Landlord Gerald Gikonyo

Sabina Joy, a prominent brothel in Nairobi, has been operating for over three decades and is widely considered to be one of the busiest pubs in the city. It is located in the CBD near Ambassadeur bus station and serves over 10,000 clients per month, with a workforce of more than 100 prostitutes.

Despite the brothel being home to a significant number of women, it can be challenging to detect any illicit activities upon entering the building, as it also houses other businesses. Clients enter the building discreetly and leave with a satisfied smile within 20 minutes to an hour.

The cost of sex at Sabina Joy ranges from Ksh 200 to Ksh 1,000, depending on the preferred style and duration of the client’s visit. As one enters the building, over 20 women compete for their attention, each vying for the client’s business.

Although it is estimated that at least ten men contract HIV from the brothel each month, it does not deter the numerous men, including married ones, who frequent the establishment. Shockingly, some of the prostitutes at Sabina Joy are themselves married, with one revealing in an interview that her husband is unaware of her side job.

Interestingly, Sabina Joy is owned by Mr. Kanyuira, a wealthy businessman from Kangema Constituency in Murang’a County. He was honored by President Uhuru Kenyatta last year for his contributions to job creation in the city and was presented with the Key to the City. Despite the brothel’s controversial nature, it remains a popular destination for many in Nairobi seeking the services of sex workers.