Kevin Kioko Bahati, a former Kenyan gospel musician turned secular artist, is creating a buzz online once again. Bahati, who is now the father of five, recently shared a video of his conversation with a doctor. The singer was feeling unwell and, along with his wife Diana Marua, decided to seek medical assistance from a private doctor.
During the conversation with the doctor, Bahati revealed that his performance in the bedroom had declined. He said he was no longer satisfying his wife Diana in bed. He complained of low libido and asked the doctor to help him restore his appetite and performance.
Diana Marua agreed with her husband and even told the doctor that Bahati was lazy in bed. She asked the doctor to give him the perfect medication to help him improve.
The doctor reassured Bahati that this was a common issue faced by married men and suggested abstaining to give his body time to rest. He assured Bahati that everything would be fine once he completed his medication.
However, Bahati responded that he wouldn’t be able to abstain and Diana supported him, stating that abstaining would be difficult for both of them. Bahati and Diana often share their private life online as content creators and rely on interesting videos to get views. They are a power couple and hopefully, everything will be resolved soon.