
Viagra Overdose or Murder: New Twist Emerge Over Man’s Death In Maragua.

Detectives investigating the death of a 59-year-old man who died in a lodging in Maragua are investigating a possible murder case against the woman in picture.

They have since arrested a 35-year-old woman who was in company of the man identified as Frederick Opiyo and collected a fish and Ugali meal that the lady had prepared at home and brought to the lodging.

Mary Mwende alias ‘Wochuru‘ was on Friday arraigned in Kigumo in connection with the case and the court allowed the police to hold her for 14 more days as investigations continue.

Murang’a South police boss, Ali Shikondi said that food samples were collected to help in how Mr Opiyo died.

It is after we get the test results for the fish and Ugali that we will know whether the woman murdered the man,

Ali said.

As earlier reported by, the man identified as Frederick Opiyo was found dead in company of a lady who is to be a commercial sex worker and owned an eatery in Maragua.

It is reported that Opiyo allegedly died few minutes after coming from the bathroom in what area police suspect to be a Viagra Overdose.

The man was in company of Mary Mwende aged 35 years who joined him in the room at 10pm.

According to police reports seen by us, the lady was taking a shower few moments after they had taken supper when she heard Opiyo moaning in pains.

“The deceased booked the said room at around 9 pm and was later joined by Mwende. They took supper together before the man entered the bathroom and emerged after few minutes,” the report read in part.

The man is said to have asked Mwende to join him in bed but she said she first had to take a shower.

As she was bathing, she heard the man groaning and upon trying to enquirie what was going oon, she found him naked, lying on the bed and cold dead.

She raised the alarm and the attendants notified the police who arrived at the screen and found a satchet of Vega100(Viagra).

The body was then transferred to the Murang’a Teaching and Referral Hospital Mortuary awaiting post-mortem while the matter is being investigated by detectives at the Maragua Police station.