
Every African girl in Dubai is either sleeping with Men or Dogs for money – Man speaks 

A Dubai resident has shared disconcerting insights into life in the ostensibly opulent Middle Eastern city, challenging the commonly held perceptions. Simon, the individual in question, contends that the reality of life in Dubai starkly contradicts the idyllic image often portrayed, describing it as a concealed hell.

During an interview with King Asu-B on the recent episode of the popular ‘Akwantuo Mu Nsem’ show on local television, Simon disclosed unsettling practices, such as women being compelled to engage in degrading activities with dogs in order to earn quick money. He vehemently dismissed the assurances made by agents who promise clients an extravagant lifestyle in Dubai, characterizing them as deceitful individuals preying on unsuspecting victims to extract their hard-earned money.

Addressing the issue of employment opportunities, Simon emphatically asserted that the Middle East regions, including Dubai, suffer from a dearth of jobs, exacerbating the residents’ hardships. These revelations paint a starkly different picture of life in Dubai, challenging the prevailing narrative of luxury and prosperity in the city.