Famous Kenyan content creator and comedian Eddie Butita has recently revealed that Jackie Vicky, also known as Awinja Nyamwalo, is the wealthiest female artist in Kenya. As a former actress on the popular Citizen Tv show Papa Shirandula, Jackie has made a name for herself in the entertainment industry.
According to Butita, Jackie has invested and packaged herself very well, and she is not one to flaunt her wealth. He cited her expensive and unique fashion choices as a key indicator of her wealth. Awinja is known for buying expensive dresses for specific events, and she rarely repeats the same outfit at different events.
Butita stated that Jackie is the wealthiest female artist in Kenya, followed by Size 8, and then Diana Bahati, who has signed several multimillion-dollar brand deals. Overall, Jackie’s success as a content creator and actress, as well as her savvy investments and unique fashion choices, have solidified her status as the wealthiest female artist in Kenya.