A viral video depicting the Mugithi singer Samidoh and the renowned ‘Mali Safi Chito’ artist Marakwet Daughter engaged in a romantic dance has been circulating online. During a recent encounter, Samidoh expressed affection towards Marakwet Daughter, capturing the attention of viewers.
The video showcases a lively and intimate dance between Samidoh and Marakwet Daughter as they move to the beats of “Mali Safi Chito,” holding hands in a joyful display. The sensuality of their dance has raised eyebrows, particularly in relation to Karen Nyamu.
Observers noted the potential discomfort the video might cause Karen Nyamu, given the turbulent phase in her relationship with Samidoh. Surprisingly, Samidoh announced his single status in a live video, injecting a touch of humor into the revelation. Despite being known for his melodious tunes and self-proclaimed polygamous nature, Samidoh chose to embrace a single status, sparking curiosity among fans about the perspectives of the musicians involved, as neither has made any public statements regarding the circulating video.