Kericho police are currently conducting an investigation into a tragic incident involving the demise of a 60-year-old man named David Kiplangat Ronoh. The lifeless body of Ronoh, an elder in a local church, was discovered in a lodging at the Kapsoit trading center. Notably, there were no apparent injuries on his body, and he was found unclothed.
Charles Kibati, the police commander of Belgut sub-county, shared details of the incident, revealing that the deceased was accompanied by an unidentified young woman. The woman, upon discovering Ronoh’s lifeless body, promptly reported the matter to the establishment’s management before fleeing the premises.
Police officers from Kapsoit revealed an additional layer of complexity to the investigation, as they found a used condom at the scene. In their efforts to unravel the circumstances surrounding Ronoh’s death, authorities are actively searching for the woman who fled, hoping to gather more information.
The body of the deceased has been transported to the Kericho County Referral Hospital mortuary, where it awaits an autopsy to ascertain the cause of death. The ongoing investigation aims to shed light on the events leading to this tragic incident in Kapsoit trading center.