
Best Distance Learning MBA degree Programs in Europe

Here are some resources and information on distance/online MBA degree programs:

Distance MBA Programs in Europe: Europe offers a variety of well-known business schools that provide distance learning and online MBA programs. These programs can help students gain a quality education while maintaining their current job or lifestyle.

Saving Money on an Online MBA: Part-time online MBA programs are available for those looking to save money while still obtaining a quality education. However, it’s important to note that even local and state universities charge extra fees for online learning.

University of Florida Distance MBA Ranking Achievements: The UF MBA program is highly regarded and has been ranked as one of the top 15 public B-schools by the U.S. News & World Report in 2009.

UNL Distance Learning MBA Courses: The University of Nebraska Lincoln (UNL) College of Business Administration offers an online AACSB accredited MBA program for those interested in a flexible and convenient way to earn their degree.

JIU Distance MBA Degrees & Specializations: Jones International University has been ranked as one of the top 10 online universities according to the fifth edition of the “Best & Worst In Online Degree Programs”. They offer a variety of MBA degrees and specializations to choose from.