
Akorino artist Susan Namu expose vs Mary Lincoln’s expose hit Mt Kenya gospel industry

Following the release of explicit images and videos, Susan Namu quickly became a well-known name. The gospel singer, known for her light skin, had a difficult time coping with the emotional toll of the situation.

The controversy surrounding the explicit materials has caused ongoing debates among Kenyans, with some claiming that it was Mary Lincon who initially brought up Susan Namu’s alleged behavior.

Since the incident, Susan Namu has undergone a lot of changes in her life. The singer of “Wagithomo” now uses her YouTube channel to share a variety of topics, including cooking tips, general advice for Kenyans, marriage, and other life experiences.

While some view Susan Namu as an inspirational figure and role model, others have seen her in a different light due to her private images and videos being made public.