Actor Melvin Alusa, a popular figure in Kenyan entertainment, has announced his departure from the television series ‘Salem’ due to unfavorable working conditions. Alusa, who has worked on various screens and stages locally and internationally, has played the character Melchizedek on the Showmax/Maisha Magic series for a year. In a statement on Instagram, he cited unprofessional behavior on set as the reason for his departure. Alusa expressed his dedication to his craft and his need to preserve and protect it jealously.
He further revealed that the toxic work environment had made it impossible for him to execute his duties effectively. Alusa mentioned bad leadership, emotional blackmail, gas-lighting, manipulation, and health hazards as factors that contributed to the unfavorable working conditions. He left the show with his dignity intact and his head held high.
Alusa urged the production team behind the TV series to begin treating their cast and crew better. He promised to keep his fans updated on his next move and wished his replacement, fellow veteran actor and award-winning director Charles Ouda, the best in the role. He also requested the Salem production team to manage the welfare of their actors and crew, many of whom are suffering in silence. Alusa thanked his fans for their support and bid farewell to the role of Melchizedek Karani on the show.