A tragic incident has occurred in one of the popular schools, leaving the parents of the deceased child in mourning and battling high blood pressure due to the shock of their son’s death. Mr. Runice, a friend of the family, shared the heartbreaking story on Twitter, prompting angry reactions from netizens who have come across the story.
Responding to the incident, Twitter user @Bumlola2010 expressed concern over the lack of strong institutions to act as oversight for the education sector, stating that schools set up these days are often run by fraudulent individuals, unlike the schools set up by previous generations who had a genuine love for children and were committed educationists.
Another Twitter user, @Phayeedart, shared a similar heartbreaking experience of losing a one-year-old baby to a daycare center, emphasizing the need for parents to be careful when choosing a childcare center.
In response to the incident, Twitter user @Babypolice4 urged Mr. Runice to provide the name, address, and location of the school to enable other parents to avoid such a tragedy in the future.
Twitter user, @Debbie, described the incident as horrifying and requested that the name and location of the school be shared to ensure that other parents do not take their children to such a facility. She emphasized the need for individuals to be their brother’s keeper.