
“Tuheshimiane” Ringtone Threatens To Deal With Guardian Angel

The gospel artist known for his controversial views expressed a warning to his fellow musician, emphasizing the need for respect.

The singer, who is recognized for his philanthropic efforts, also asserted his position as the chairman and the sole resident of Karen.

“I urge Guardian Angel to prioritize mutual respect. It’s unnecessary for him to claim that he resides in Karen. Guardian Angel, please cease these actions. I am the chairman and I exclusively occupy the Karen area,” Ringtone conveyed in a video shared on Instagram.

Responding to the perceived threats, Guardian Angel remarked that it depended on which specific part of Karen Ringtone was referring to.

“It all depends on which area of Karen you are speaking about. On my affluent side, such confrontations are swiftly dealt with and eliminated,” he replied, concluding with, “I apologize if necessary.”

Guardian Angel recently generated mixed reactions from Kenyans when he disclosed that he is the sole gospel artist residing in Karen.

During an interview with digital journalists, he was questioned about how he sustains his luxurious lifestyle, considering his previous claim that music doesn’t provide substantial income.

“I have my finances sorted, I won’t deceive you, I’m doing well. If I’m not the only one, then I’m unaware… perhaps I’m the only gospel artist residing in Karen. Ringtone resides in Runda. I have other businesses, two or three, aside from music, which pays well,” stated Guardian Angel.