
Trio Mio’s Mother Begs DCI For Help After The Rapper Received Death Threats

The plans for Kibe to visit Kenya and fulfill Akothee’s desires have been canceled. Instead, Kibe has decided to send someone named ‘Mkenya Daima’ to satisfy her adequately, as per his previous promise.

Andrew Kibe remains deeply upset by Akothee’s comment, claiming that he has a low libido and is a failure.

Their ongoing feud on social media shows no signs of abating, as Kibe continues to hurl insults at Akothee without reservation. Known for his unabashed and direct approach, Kibe fearlessly speaks his mind.

Kibe has now made a demand that Akothee hands her phone over to Rue Baby, expressing his interest in communicating solely with her. Among Akothee’s daughters, Rue Baby has caught Kibe’s attention, and he believes they could potentially establish a strong connection.

Akothee, a mother of five children from three different men, proudly refers to them as her baby daddies. Despite her past failed relationships and the challenges she has faced, Akothee remains a loving and devoted mother to her children.

Through social media, Akothee openly shares photos and videos of her family, candidly discussing both the joys and struggles of motherhood and the importance of a strong familial bond.

Kibe asserts that Akothee tends to attract older men, whom he humorously refers to as “Maumau fighters,” generally aged 70 and above. He believes that only these elderly gentlemen can truly appreciate Akothee’s intellect and attractiveness. However, he personally doesn’t find her appealing or alluring.