"They Call Me Zombie" Special Lady Who Has Never Slept With Any Man Says All Boys Do Not Want Her

“They Call Me Zombie” Lady Who Has Never Slept With Any Man Says All Men Do Not Want Her

A woman born differently has come out to narrate how her extraordinary look has been a major issue in her life.

Alice was born with a somewhat deformed face with her nose split into 2 parts and eyes further apart in an extraordinary manner.

As indicated by Afrimax TV, a channel that shares stories from individuals living with disabilities in Africa, the doctor who once treated the woman said her brain is nearer to her forehead.

Alice lets the channel know that she has been experiencing hard times since she was born, for certain individuals, particularly the his age mates not ready nor willing to approach her.

She has breathing issues, which at times makes it hard for her to inhale.

Her body is weak to the degree of not having the option to lift anything and put it on her head.

She noted any time she is visiting a new region, everybody stares at her. Others bully her by calling her names, such as, being called a zombie.

Aside from the harassing she gets, she additionally has feelings yet no man is will to approach her.

There is a man she has feelings towards, however she isn’t willing to approach him and talk her heart out on the grounds that the odds of him rejecting her are so high.

Nonetheless, she actually believes someday a man will appear and adore her, and she will stay pure and sit tight for the man.

She says she can’t wish to be in bed with any man until her wedding night.

Alice dropped school after her dad, who was paying her school fees, passed on.

She is willing to learn technical skills such as tailoring but due to lack of school fees, she is still hoping.