
THE UNTOLD _ Gatundu residents appeal to gov’t as jiggers infestation hits village

Gatundu is a small village located in the central region of Kenya. For years, the residents of Gatundu have been struggling with an infestation of jiggers, also known as chigoe fleas. These tiny parasites burrow into the skin of their hosts and cause severe itching, inflammation, and even death if left untreated.

The jiggers infestation in Gatundu has reached crisis levels, with almost every household being affected. Children are especially vulnerable to the parasites, and many of them have been unable to attend school due to the severe discomfort and pain caused by the jiggers.

The residents of Gatundu have appealed to the government for help in addressing this pressing issue. They have called on the government to provide funding for treatment and prevention efforts, as well as to increase education and awareness about the dangers of jiggers.

One of the major challenges facing the residents of Gatundu is the lack of access to proper healthcare. Many of them live in remote areas and do not have the means to travel to a hospital or clinic for treatment. As a result, they are forced to rely on traditional methods of dealing with the jiggers, which are often ineffective and can even cause further harm.

The government has a responsibility to ensure that all citizens have access to basic healthcare, and the jiggers infestation in Gatundu is a clear example of how this right is being denied to many Kenyans. It is imperative that the government takes urgent action to address this problem and provide the necessary resources to ensure that the residents of Gatundu can live their lives free from the burden of jiggers.

In conclusion, the jiggers infestation in Gatundu is a grave concern that requires immediate attention from the government. The residents of Gatundu have appealed to the government for help, and it is imperative that the government responds to their needs. By providing funding for treatment and prevention efforts, and increasing education and awareness about the dangers of jiggers, the government can help to alleviate the suffering of the residents of Gatundu and ensure that they have access to the healthcare they need.