
“Sikumpenda!” – Anita Nderu Says She Never Liked Her Daughter After Delivery

Well-known media personality, Anita Nderu, has opened up about her motherhood journey and shared her experiences on social media. In her post, she revealed that her initial reaction to her child was not the typical love-at-first-sight feeling. Instead, she felt shock and fear, with a desire to learn. However, she stated that two weeks later she finally experienced that overwhelming love everyone speaks of.

Anita also talked about the fears she and her husband had at the beginning of her pregnancy. They decided to keep the news to themselves out of fear of losing the baby, but eventually, they told their inner circle. She shared the excitement she felt when they first heard the baby’s heartbeat, which made everything feel real.

Despite the challenges, Anita stated that the journey of motherhood has been an enjoyable experience. She expressed her love for breastfeeding, falling asleep with her baby in her arms, and the everyday moments with her daughter. She also shared the funny and adorable moments of her baby’s growth, such as outgrowing her bassinet and rotating in her sleep.

In conclusion, Anita’s candid and honest post about her motherhood journey is a reminder that everyone’s experiences are different and that’s okay. The journey of motherhood is full of ups and downs, but the love and bond between a mother and her child is a beautiful thing.