Miracle Baby, also known as Inooro TV presenter Peter Njuguna, has recently announced his resignation from the Royal Media Services-owned station. On February 24th, the father of five shared that he would be leaving the station due to personal reasons, which he chose not to disclose. In a short statement, Miracle Baby apologized to his fans and confirmed that he would no longer be working with Royal Media Services.
Miracle Baby was best known for co-hosting the reggae show Wirekererie on Inooro TV, which aired on Saturdays from 10 pm to 1 am alongside Nonoo Katoto Ka Uras. Along with his work as a TV presenter, Miracle Baby is also a Mugithi artist.
Recently, Miracle Baby and his partner Carol Katrue welcomed their fifth child, Rhonix, on February 17th, 2023, at 7:00 pm. Katrue shared the news on her Instagram page, posting a photo of herself and Miracle Baby in the hospital with their newborn. She also shared a video of herself holding Rhonix and announced the baby’s name in the caption.
Miracle Baby’s exit is the latest in a series of restructuring moves within the media industry, resulting in the loss of several journalists’ careers across major media houses.